"I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 40:1
My interpretation in today's world. "I threw a temper tantrum; and God patiently heard my wining."
God knows our hearts and desires and listens to our complaints both good and bad. He answers in His timing and in His way.
Who can wait patiently for anything in an age of technology and fast everything? (Food, information, service, etc...) We are in the age of impatient winers. Maybe Moses could relate. Are we there, yet?
To understand God's timing would require understanding all of who God is! Why does God heal one person immediately and years or not all for others? Does He love one over the other? No, He loves equally and doesn't show favoritism. It's a concept that is hard for most people to imagine. He IS way too much for our minds to fully comprehend.
He WAS, He IS, and He forever SHALL BE!
If we can't fully understand that, how could we begin to understand His timing?
Thank you, Lord, for Your perfect timing!