Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why do I have down days?

I have been on a roller coaster ride recently. At some points it feels like we'll never reach the bottom of the hill. I've battled with depression and the outcome is impossible. When I strive to get back up, there is another blow waiting to send me back down. Should I give up? Walk away from the call that the Lord put in my life?

I was reminded of a scripture I always held dear.

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds (James 1:2)

I can't rely on myself to overcome the impossible. God would never have placed the call in my heart if He didn't have a plan. Yes, my task is impossible. And yes, it will take a miracle to raise our budget and get back to Colombia.


YES, my God is the God of the impossible! And YES, my God is the God of miracles!

How often do we try to insert our capabilities over that of God's? We do have some work to do, but we need to allow God to do His work.

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