Monday, February 27, 2012

Miracles - Not a question but an expectation!

Don't just ask for miracles, expect miracles!

A week ago Maggie was complaining of pain in her upper neck, near her jaw.  I thought nothing of it, then.  I thought, maybe she slept on it wrong or moved in a position that pulled a muscle.  So I just told her that it would pass.  (Bad dad)

Last night I returned from a 3 day fasting and prayer time outside of Medellin.  God, not only gave me a renewed focus, He encouraged me to ask expectingly and not just ask and wait.  God wants the best for us and He gives generously.  So, when I returned, Maggie was still complaining of pain but she now had a lump in her neck.  Tona had been looking for a doctor that she could take Maggie to.  Remembering what God said, I called Maggie for family prayer.  I prayed for her and then we all prayed for her and the day.  She woke up this morning still complaining of pain.  I called her over.  I told Maggie that God calls us to pray without ceasing, that means if He hasn't answered us, we keep praying until He does.  Tona and I laid hands on her and prayed again.  When I asked Maggie how she felt, she said, "I don't feel anything."  So I asked her if she could still feel the lump.  She said, "No, it's gone!"

That was a perfect time for a big hug and great time for God to show Himself to Maggie.

Thank you, Lord, for being awesome!


It's never to late to look to the future,
Never to soon to reflect on the past,
But it's most important to keep your eyes on the Prize!

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 
                                              2 Corinthians 4:18

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Ever feel like a square peg trying to be crammed into a round hole? I do often!  I frequently question God on His choice of me. There are others more qualified, more charismatic, better preachers, etc.

And in His infinite patience, He says, "But I chose you and I have my reasons."

God has such a perspective that I may never understand.  All I do is submit and say, "Yes Lord, I will follow you to the ends of the earth", or in my case, Colombia.

Am I unique?  Sure.  I have been a carpenter, a designer, an architectural engineer, an electrical engineer, a civil engineer, a manager, a minister, and a missionary. So, what's next?  Am I done with titles?

What or who am I, Lord? "My son and that is all I ask of you."

A friend showed me this thought and I think it is a perfect way of expressing the way I often feel.

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore will I trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.” - Thomas Merton from Thoughts in Solitude

Overqualified to do a task, underqualified to do the work, and grateful to be chosen!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Our patience or His?

"I waited patiently for the LORD; he turned to me and heard my cry."
Psalm 40:1

My interpretation in today's world.  "I threw a temper tantrum; and God patiently heard my wining."

God knows our hearts and desires and listens to our complaints both good and bad.  He answers in His timing and in His way.

Who can wait patiently for anything in an age of technology and fast everything?  (Food, information, service, etc...)  We are in the age of impatient winers.  Maybe Moses could relate.  Are we there, yet?

To understand God's timing would require understanding all of who God is!  Why does God heal one person immediately and years or not all for others?  Does He love one over the other?  No, He loves equally and doesn't show favoritism.  It's a concept that is hard for most people to imagine.  He IS way too much for our minds to fully comprehend.

He WAS, He IS, and He forever SHALL BE!

If we can't fully understand that, how could we begin to understand His timing?

Thank you, Lord, for Your perfect timing!

Monday, March 22, 2010


God has been dealing with me recently!  I have been beat down through the itineration process.  Itineration is the name we give to the time missionaries travel throughout the States raising financial and prayer support.  Well, as the U.S. economy being where it is, there are many struggling churches, making itineration that much more challenging.  After almost 15 months of itineration, we are at 50% of our fund-raising.  My spirit has been struggling with depression.  A pastor friend asked me about this and recommended the book "Spiritual Depression" by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  A didn't fully realize how bad it was getting until I was driving to a church on Sunday morning to preach.  It was a two and half hour drive and Tona and the kids were sleeping.  God was talking to me and the Spirit was upon me.  He was telling me that the "Faith" that I have been preaching about is not always visible in my spirit.  I must walk in faith as I preach on faith.  He said call on me to deliver you from depression.  Call on me to give you strength.  Call on me to handle that which belongs to me.  Jesus' sacrifice was to provide deliverance from attacks of the enemy.  There is power in that name! 

A friend heard me calling out His name, "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus" and said reminded her of the movie "Beetlejuice".  (If you call the name of Beetlejuice three times, he shows up.)  Well that is precisely how it works!  "Jesus" my Lord, "Jesus" my strength. "Jesus" my deliverer and there He is!

When the enemy attacks, he keeps attacking.  He looks for ways to grab strongholds in our lives and he exploits them.  He seeks to destroy our faith as well as our spirit.  He tells us that we are alone and we should be embarrassed to share with others.  The devil is the king of lies.  He wants to separate us from others, especially God, in order to control us.  He loves our pride, our fear, our depression...  But, he has no power against our Lord and Savior.  God cast him out of heaven and He will cast him out of the earth when Christ returns.  We, who know Christ, share in His victory.

And so, driving to the church, God said, "Tell others that the victory is yours, through Me.  Your Lord is the deliverer and has already won the battle for you.  Release your struggles for they are Mine to handle.  I am and will be with you all the days of your life.  I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Call on me each day at your waking hour to be with you and there I will be."  The Spirit of the Lord was so powerful that the long car ride felt like 15 minutes as we approached the church.  I was determined to share what God said to me.  When we arrived at the church, we handled our typical pre-service routine of table setup and media preparation.  The pastor took me into his office and shared with me the struggles of the church.  By the time the service started, I was beginning to question the word that I needed to share...until the worship band played the song "Today"

Today I choose to follow You
Today I choose to give my "Yes" to You
Today I choose to hear your voice and live
Today I choose to follow You

As for me and my house we will serve You
As for me and my house we will spend our lives on You

Wonderful counselor, everlasting father
Eternal King, Lord of Hosts, willingly we follow (today)

Today I choose to follow You
Today I choose to give my "Yes" to You
Today I choose to hear your voice and live
Today I choose to follow You 
And then a woman went to the front as God was calling her to come and seek His path for her.  And the pastor extended the invitation to the congregation.  But the Spirit was telling me there were more...they're just afraid to take the first step. And so I leaned over to Tona and said "God wants me to change things up.  Is that okay with you?"  If you know Tona then you know that changing structure makes her nervous, but at that moment I could see the peace of the Lord upon her.  She just said "Tell me when you need me!"

And the Spirit of the Lord moved and I shared His word for me and for them.  It was definitely not me on that stage; the Spirit was having His way.  We continued with a modified version of our service, allowing the Spirit to reshape and reword as needed. 

Afterwords, a thankful pastor shared with us, "That was the perfect message that God was telling me for today!"; the confirmation to me that God wants us not only hear His words but obey.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, today I choose to follow You!  Today I choose to say "Yes" to You!  Today I will listen and obey and we will walk in victory, together.